Wedge bids a fond farewell to Hlumela Anderson as she joins Elphin Lodge
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With both pride and a touch of sadness, SANCA Wedge Gardens bids farewell to Hlumela Anderson, whose dedication and compassion have left an indelible mark on the substance use treatment centre over the past 13 years. Hlumela’s career at Wedge Gardens began in 2011 as an administrative clerk, where she adeptly handled medical aid claims… Read more
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Hands of hope: SANCA Wedge Gardens clients create a vibrant tree of diversity and support
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At Sanca Wedge Gardens substance use treatment centre, we work with a diverse group of people. Recently, we asked our clients to trace and cut out their hands, then decorate them with paint or colours in any way they wished. The hands were then displayed on the branches of a ‘tree’. “The results were vibrant… Read more
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Routine: A cornerstone of recovery from substance use disorder
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Substance use disorder (SUD) can disrupt every aspect of a person’s life, leading to chaos, instability and a loss of control. This is according to Adèl Grobbelaar, the manager of SANCA Wedge Gardens SUD treatment centre, who says that one of the most effective tools in recovery is the establishment of a routine. “A routine… Read more
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SANCA Wedge Gardens’ clients celebrate their heritage
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SANCA Wedge Gardens’ clients came together on Heritage Day to celebrate together and talk about their traditions and culture, with each one placing a piece on a map to represent where they come from. A sports day was also held, with clients being divided into teams and competing against each other. Lots of fun and… Read more
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Supporting employees on their recovery journey
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Given the prevalence of addiction, employers are increasingly confronted with employees struggling with substance use disorders. This is not surprising, given the challenges that can arise in the workplace, says Adèl Grobbelaar, the manager of SANCA Wedge Gardens. “Stress factors can push individuals to seek performance enhancement through substances, mistakenly believing they boost creativity and… Read more
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The power of denial in addiction: Breaking the cycle
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Denial is a cornerstone of addiction, a powerful force that can blind individuals to the destructive consequences of substance use. Those suffering from substance use disorders often deny the existence of their addiction, the substances they use, the quantities consumed, the frequency of use, the people they use with, and the negative impact their addiction… Read more
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International Overdose Awareness Day: Together we can
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International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31 serves as a poignant reminder of the devastating impact of substance abuse on individuals, families, and communities. “At SANCA Wedge Gardens, we witness first-hand the challenges faced by those struggling with addiction,” says Adèl Grobbelaar, who heads up the Johannesburg-based treatment centre. The theme of this year’s campaign… Read more
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Have a sober October – your body will thank you
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Can you stop drinking for a month? Ocsober – an annual campaign that challenges people to abstain from alcohol each October – allows you to test your belief that you can. “It is also the perfect opportunity to discover how much better you feel without alcohol,” says addiction expert Adél Grobbelaar, who heads up SANCA… Read more
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SANCA Wedge Gardens welcomes new employees
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Substance use rehab centre SANCA Wedge Gardens recently welcomed three new employees to its fold. “Philani Khumalo, our new social worker, has fitted into our rehab centre like a hand in a glove,” says SANCA Wedge Gardens manager Adèl Grobbelaar. Philani previously worked in the field of addiction and has seamlessly integrated into the rehab… Read more
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Rehab centre generates addiction awareness
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SANCA Wedge Gardens was out in full force at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University’s wellness event, generating awareness around the dangers of substance use and addiction, and the benefits of being admitted to the centre for rehab. The wellness event, held on 28 and 29 March, enabled SANCA Wedge Gardens’ employees to interact with medical… Read more
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