Hlumela Anderson, an administration clerk at SANCA Wedge Gardens, has her sight firmly set on obtaining her honours degree in psychological counselling.
Hlumela, who joined Wedge in 2011, has always wanted to progress to the therapeutic side of the substance use treatment centre’s Full Circle Recovery Programme.
She first took on a social auxiliary course and finished first in her class. That’s when she decided to start her degree in social work. However, as UNISA had placed its Bachelor of Social Work degree on hold, due to Covid-19, she opted for a degree in psychology instead.
She graduated on 28 March, with 10 distinctions, and is now already studying towards her honours degree in psychological counselling.
“I love putting families at ease when they call and book for their loved ones at SANCA Wedge Gardens. I enjoy watching our clients grow in the programme and see themselves capable of turning their lives around,” says Hlumela.
“I enjoy facilitating groups because I get to equip our clients with life skills they lacked. It is rewarding to watch them grow, from joining the group to being discharged. It’s also rewarding when a client who has left the programme comes to tell me how meaningful the groups were for them, and how they are using the skills they learnt to deal with the challenges they come across,” she adds.
“This is a tough young woman, with resilience and determination to reach her goals. The Wedge team is very proud of her achievements,” says Adèl Grobbelaar, SANCA Wedge Gardens’ Manager.
For more information about SANCA Wedge Gardens and its Full Circle Recovery Programme, visit www.wedgegardens.co.za